
The registration/entry for any race can be found on the "Register" tab of that race page. Policies vary by global region, so please reference the region where the race occurs, not where you live, for the accurate information.

US & Canada

Most IRONMAN races open immediately after this year’s race occurs. Most IRONMAN 70.3 races open nine to ten months prior to the event date.

If a race is not yet open, the price will be published immediately prior to race open. No waiting lists are provided for events within the US & Canada. 

Europe, Middle East & Africa

Most IRONMAN races open immediately after the current year’s race occurs. Most IRONMAN 70.3 races open nine to ten months prior to the event date. If a race is not yet open, the price will be published prior to the race opening. If you want to receive a reminder when registration next opens, please subscribe using the ‘Remind-me' button on the registration page of your race.We do not offer wait lists once a race is sold out.


Some races will offer a waiting list once sold out. If a waiting list is available, it can also be found under the “Register” tab of that race page.

The information listed above only applies to Triathlons.

IRONMAN Webpage: